
  • Pre-K

    4 years old

  • Kindergarten

    5 years old

  • 1st - 4th Grade

  • 5th - 8th Grade

    Middle school admissions considered for a limited number of qualified students.

  • 9th - 12th Grade

    High school admissions considered for a limited number of qualified students.

  • Afterschool Programs

    Optional afterschool programs are available from 3:30 until 5:30 PM, including sports, robotics, MUN, organized tutoring/homework assistance, and more.

  • Pre-K and Kindergarten

    Full day program from 8:30 AM to 3 PM.

  • Elementary

    Students will learn with their homeroom classmates and a consistent teacher through different subjects, including a computer lab in which they start learning how to use Chromebooks as an educational tool.

  • Middle and High School

    Students will move with their classmates through subject rooms with subject-specific teachers, while carrying their personal Chromebook that is included as an educational tool for the best practices of current learning technology.

Afterschool Programs

Optional afterschool programs available from 3:30 until 5:30 PM, including sports, robotics, MUN, organized tutoring/homework assistance, and more.

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