Critical Thinkers,
Confident Leaders.

At AMLY School, we partner with parents to raise future leaders built on confidence, hope, and wisdom.

Pre-K & Kindergarten

This is the first stage of formal education. We provide our students with the skills they will use throughout their lives through embedding social-emotional learning and cognitive development throughout our curriculum, all while being active and having fun!

(1st to 4th Grades)

Learning objectives are identified and met following US Common Core standards. Classroom size is no more than 15 students, staffed by trained local and foreign teachers. Homeroom time is dedicated to developing the character trait of the month.

Middle & High School

This program refines what has been taught previously while greatly expanding basic skills. Students become more independent as they begin in-depth research and study for individual and group projects. AP courses are available for qualified high school students.

about us

Lighting the
Flame of Hope

As parents, we teach our kids right from wrong. We teach them to make good decisions. We want the very best for them, and do everything we can to provide it.

US Accredited Curriculum

For smooth transitions with American schools and universities. Achieve US Common Core standards with world-class materials, audited by our official accrediting partner.

Plan for acceptance into US universities, if desired.

What makes Amly different

Our Distinctives

Small Classes
Values-Based Programs
Parent Engagement
Inspiring Facility​

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We just wrapped up our first Parent-Teacher Conference Day!🌟 Parents sat with their children’s teachers to discuss their education and personal development plans. This day shows how important it is for us to work together with families, making sure parents are informed and involved at every process step. Together, were supporting our students’ growth and success! 🤝📚 

#Parents #AMLYSchool #StudentSuccess

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تبو مشرفة عامة

Our Grade 7 & 8 students had an amazing day at Merry Land, enjoying a picnic with their friends and teachers! 🧺🌳 It was a perfect opportunity to relax, connect with each other, and bond outside the classroom. Whether sharing laughs, enjoying a delicious Libyan meal, or simply taking in the fresh air, this time together helps strengthen friendships and build stronger connections with their teachers. ✨🍽️

#AMLYSchool #PicnicDay

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Zezo Abd

During their math lesson, our Grade 2 Yellow students took their learning outside the classroom! 📊🌟 They went around during snack time to survey their fellow students, asking questions and gathering data. 🍎📋 They then turned their results into a fun picture graph, building both math and communication skills along the way! 👏

#AMLYSchool #Grade2 #MathInAction #HandsOnLearning

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موفقين لكن أين طلابنا كأنهم مش موجودين معكم

Good luck Raghad Amena Hamza

Our high school curriculum session was packed with valuable insights for parents! 🔍 🌟 From learning about class choices and differentiated instruction to extra tutoring options, we covered it all. 📚 However the focus was on the preparations available for students on their AP, SAT, and PSAT exams! With tailored learning pathways and dedicated support, we’re ensuring every student is equipped to excel and reach their full potential. 🚀

#AMLYSchool #APTests #SATPrep #CollegePrep
We had a fantastic KG curriculum session at AMLY!✨ Parents joined us to explore how their little ones learn and grow daily. 📚 We introduced the Daily 5 system, which promotes literacy independence by allowing students to choose from five stations. These stations help develop reading skills, comprehension, and confidence—ensuring our students become active, engaged learners! 🌟

#AMLYSchool #Curriculum #Daily5 #KG

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من اما كوكب هالمدرسه باللي فيها..كارته

اليوم، حضرو أهالي الأطفال في مرحلة الروضة وألقو نظرة مفيدة على منهج أطفالهم! 🌟 من المشاركة في وقت الحلقة، حيث يتم تعزيز التعليم القائم على القيم لدينا، إلى رؤية كيفية تدريس اللغة الإنجليزية والأدب لأطفالنا الصغار، كانت جلسة رائعة. 📚 إن مشاركة الآباء أمر حاسم في أملي، ونحن ملتزمون بإبقاء العائلات على علم برحلة تعلم أطفالهم. 👪

Today, our Pre-K parents got an insightful look into their childrens curriculum!✨ From engaging in circle time, where our values-based education is reinforced, to seeing how ELA is taught to our little ones, it was a wonderful session.📖 Parent involvement is crucial at AMLY, and we’re committed to keeping families informed about their childrens learning journey. 💙

#ParentEngagement #AMLYSchool #EarlyEducation
From blood pressure checks to eye exams and mental health discussions, our Middle School students learned valuable insights about their health during the Middle School Junior Highs Wellness Day!🩺🌟 A big thank you to بصريات اللؤلؤة The Pearl Optics  for providing free eye checks to our students! Taking care of our well-being is the first step toward a brighter future! 🙌🏼💪🏼 

#WellnessDay #HealthyStudents #AMLYSchool
The 5th and 6th Graders went on an exciting Treasure Hunt!🏴‍☠️✨ The students split into teams to search for clues all around the school! In the end, each group found a piece of a word, which came together to spell compassion. This activity showed that when we work together, we can achieve our goals! 🌟🤝

This month, we are focusing on compassion as part of our values-based education, encouraging students to embody kindness and understanding in their interactions.

#Teamwork #Compassion #AMLYSchool
اجتمع طلاب من المرحلة الابتدائية والاعدادية مع طلاب مرحلة التمهيدي والروضة لمشروع رفيق الرحمة! 👧🏽 قرؤوا قصص الرحمة المؤثرة، في حين قام المعلمون والطلاب بصناعة لحاف اللطف الجميل  📖

Students from Elementary and Middle School came together with PreK and KG for the Compassion Buddy Project! 💙 They read heartwarming compassion stories, while teachers and students created a beautiful kindness quilt to celebrate the power of kindness and community! 🧵

#compassion #AMLYSchool #kindergraten

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الوفه ربي يحفظك ونشوفك دكتوره❤️

عواطف الورشفاني شنو صغارنا شوره ميقروش معهم مركزين علي طلاب موعينين ولاشنو

اليوم رحبنا بأولياء أمور طلابنا في الصف الخامس والسادس لجلسة التعريف بالمناهج، حيث استكشفوا طريقة تعليم أطفالهم باستخدام أجهزة Chromebook. 💻 تعلم الأهالي عن الكتب المتنوعة والمنصات التي تدعم مناهجنا المبنية على المعايير والتي تركز على التفاوت. 🌟

نحن نعتقد أن التفاعل القوي بين الأهل والمعلمين هو مفتاح نجاح الطلاب، ونحن نحب رؤية الأهالي مشاركين بنشاط في تعليم أطفالهم!

Today we welcomed parents of our 5th and 6th graders for a curriculum session, where they explored their kids learning using Chromebooks.✨ Parents learned about the diverse books and platforms that support our standards-based curriculum focused on differentiation.📚

We believe that strong parent-teacher interaction is key to student success, and we love seeing parents actively involved in their childs education! 

#AMLYSchool #ParentEngagement #Education
خلال الاستعراض المسرحي لهذا الشهر، كان التركيز على صفة الرحمة 💙 قدّم نادي الدراما عرضًا مؤثرًا حيث واجهت الشخصية الرئيسية سوء التفاهم والتنمر من أصدقائها، الذين أدركوا فيما بعد أنهم كان ينبغي عليهم أن يظهروا المزيد من الرحمة. 🫂 لنوصل الرسالة، شارك معلمان في تحدي عرض تلفزيوني، حاولا خلاله تجميع قطعة ورق ممزقة. 📜 تمامًا مثل الصداقات المتكسرة، وجدوا أنه من الصعب تقريبا إصلاح ما تم تمزيقه. الدرس؟ اختر كلماتك وأفعالك بعناية - الرحمة يمكن أن تحافظ على الأمور سليمة حيث يكون من الصعب إصلاح الضرر.

At this month’s pep rally, the spotlight was on Compassion.💙 The Drama Club performed a heartfelt skit where the main character faced misunderstandings and bullying from her friends, who later realized they should have shown more compassion.💬  To drive the message home, two teachers participated in a game show challenge, attempting to piece together a ripped piece of paper.✂️ Just like broken friendships, they found it nearly impossible to fix what had been torn apart. The lesson? Choose your words and actions with care—compassion can keep things whole where damage would be harder to repair.

#Compassion #PepRally #AMLYSchool

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العطف compassion

احلا ميسو


في حصة الرياضيات اليوم، بدأ الطلاب في كسب النقاط على IXL، حيث قام معلمهم بإعداد لوحات القيادة لتتبع تقدمهم. من خلال الإجابة على أسئلة الرياضيات، يتنافس الطلاب على التصنيفات الأعلى، مما يضيف عنصرًا ممتعًا وتنافسيًا إلى عملية تعلمهم. 📊

هذا النظام لا يساعد فقط في تعزيز المهارات الرئيسية في الرياضيات، ولكنه يشجع الطلاب أيضًا على ممارسة التمارين سواء خلال الحصة الدراسية أو في المنزل خلال عطلة نهاية الأسبوع، مما يعزز التحسين المستمر. 🧮

In Math class today, students started earning points on IXL, where their teacher set up leaderboards to track their progress. By answering math questions, students compete for top rankings, adding a fun, competitive element to their learning .💻

This system not only helps reinforce key math skills but also encourages students to practice both during class and at home over the weekend, fostering continuous improvement. 📚

#Math #IXL #Chromebooks
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